About our Company
VTeg provides irrigation scheduling services to farmers as exclusive
agents of Irricheck in the Central region of South Africa and by using
Irricheck Pulse™Software.
The Central region of South Africa is seen below.
Vteg uses our in house manufactured soil moisture probes, Irricom
GPRS communication units, automatic rain gauge, and automatic weather
stations. By producing these products in house we are able to offer
better prices and less downtime by servicing equipment in our factory in
VTeg also developes and manufactures monitoring and control equipment
for automated water management.
Knowlegeable and experienced consultants are
available throughout the region:
VTeg (originally named Irricheck CC) was established in 1994 by Bertus van der Westhuizen after he, who by then, was a researcher in a Water Research Commission project at the
University of Pretoria, defined the solution for the need for irrigation
scheduling as follows:
Cheaper scheduling equipment which was initially achieved by sharing Neutron moisture meters by using them on more farms and is now achieved by the in-house development and production of continuous logging equipment and by also offering it for hire.
A service by knowledgeable consultants assisting farmers
in order to enable them to achieve accurate
scheduling with minimum time and to be able to delegate the
irrigation to lower levels of management with little
knowledge of crop water needs and be able to check on
the results.
User-friendly software to accurately simulate water use and
recommend irrigation needs for a week ahead.
He then designed the program, which initially was known as the "Besproeiings
Bestuursprogram (BBP)" and which is now known as the Irricheck
Pulse™Software. This set the basis for VTeg.
Vteg distinguishes itself from other Irrigation Scheduling Service providers by providing excellent services and by reducing downtime of equipment and data by in house development, production, reparations, and servicing of the equipment. Vteg is a proudly South African manufacturer.
By also offering our equipment for hire, we reduce the initial capital cost of equipment while it is effectively guaranteed ''for life''.
VTeg has a passion for creating jobs in the central region of South Africa.
VTeg as a Company and all the staff acknowledge God as our Saviour and we live according to his Biblical values. We contribute at least 10% of our profits to promote His Kingdom.

1. Bertus van der Westhuizen
3. Kambro Swanepoel
4. Tosias van Zyl
5. Charl du Toit
6. Pieter Celliers
7. Jaco van Zyl
8. Robert Fair
9. Sterren Bester
10. Obie Bester
11. Andre Jordaan
12. Andre Perie
13. Leendert van Ieperen